This is woven africa
WOVEN AFRICA Dual Studies on Agriculture 2063
Bringing Malawi and their neighbours together to build a working plan for Malawi to improve agriculture with technology and great education with the help of Dual Studies for Africa.
Goal of the Summit
The plan is to bring all people together who actively work or plan to work on solutions to enhance agriculture, health care, and rural development in Africa in the spirit and vision of Africa and Malawi agenda 2063.
our story
The Age of The Internet
The internet has changed the face of our world in mesmerizing speed. It brings the opportunity of a century to the previous disadvantaged countries and continents like Africa. The internet allows exchange of information in real-time between any place on earth. With the Internet of Things (IoT) this is not only an exchange between humans but also between machines. The big data amassed by the IoT devices make it possible that machines analyse them to get new insights and make reasonable smart decisions.

The holding hands of the project